Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to The Art of Film Writing

    2. Exploring the reasons you connect to characters

    3. Exercise: Exploring the reasons you connect to characters

    4. Storytelling for the screen

    5. What is a story?

    6. A story in one page

    7. Exercise: Your one-page story

    8. Critiquing your own work

    1. The creative discipline of brainstorming

    2. Unleashing your inner mad scientist

    3. Exercise: Brainstorming from a prompt

    4. Unleashing your inner critic

    5. Exercise: Selecting your best ideas

    6. Lego time

    7. Exercise: Playing with your Legos

    8. Log lines

    9. Exercise: Write a log line

    10. Mad Ideas

    11. Exercise: Brainstorming Mad Ideas

    12. Exercise: Your "hero changes" story

About this course

  • $60.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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